Guilherme Puida 677cd95681
runtime(debcontrol): add Static-Built-Using field (#14306)
Signed-off-by: Guilherme Puida <>
Signed-off-by: James McCoy <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2024-03-28 09:56:50 +01:00

145 lines
8.6 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: Debian control files
" Maintainer: Debian Vim Maintainers
" Former Maintainers: Gerfried Fuchs <>
" Wichert Akkerman <>
" Last Change: 2024 Mar 26
" URL:
" Standard syntax initialization
if exists('b:current_syntax')
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Should match case except for the keys of each field
syn case match
syn iskeyword @,48-57,-
" Everything that is not explicitly matched by the rules below
syn match debcontrolElse "^.*$"
" Common separators
syn match debControlComma ",[ \t]*"
syn match debControlSpace "[ \t]"
let s:kernels = ['linux', 'hurd', 'kfreebsd', 'knetbsd', 'kopensolaris', 'netbsd']
let s:archs = [
\ 'alpha', 'amd64', 'armeb', 'armel', 'armhf', 'arm64', 'avr32', 'hppa'
\, 'i386', 'ia64', 'loong64', 'lpia', 'm32r', 'm68k', 'mipsel', 'mips64el', 'mips'
\, 'powerpcspe', 'powerpc', 'ppc64el', 'ppc64', 'riscv64', 's390x', 's390', 'sh3eb'
\, 'sh3', 'sh4eb', 'sh4', 'sh', 'sparc64', 'sparc', 'x32'
\ ]
let s:pairs = [
\ 'hurd-i386', 'kfreebsd-i386', 'kfreebsd-amd64', 'knetbsd-i386'
\, 'kopensolaris-i386', 'netbsd-alpha', 'netbsd-i386'
\ ]
" Define some common expressions we can use later on
syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained all any
exe 'syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained '. join(map(copy(s:kernels), {k,v -> v .'-any'}))
exe 'syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained '. join(map(copy(s:archs), {k,v -> 'any-'.v}))
exe 'syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained '. join(s:archs)
exe 'syn keyword debcontrolArchitecture contained '. join(s:pairs)
unlet s:kernels s:archs s:pairs
" Keep in sync with
" curl -q 2>/dev/null| grep-dctrl -n --not -FSection -sSection / -
let s:sections = [
\ 'admin', 'cli-mono', 'comm', 'database', 'debian-installer', 'debug'
\, 'devel', 'doc', 'editors', 'education', 'electronics', 'embedded'
\, 'fonts', 'games', 'gnome', 'gnu-r', 'gnustep', 'golang', 'graphics'
\, 'hamradio', 'haskell', 'httpd', 'interpreters', 'introspection'
\, 'java', 'javascript', 'kde', 'kernel', 'libdevel', 'libs', 'lisp'
\, 'localization', 'mail', 'math', 'metapackages', 'misc', 'net', 'news'
\, 'ocaml', 'oldlibs', 'otherosfs', 'perl', 'php', 'python', 'raku'
\, 'ruby', 'rust', 'science', 'shells', 'sound', 'tasks', 'tex', 'text'
\, 'utils', 'vcs', 'video', 'web', 'x11', 'xfce', 'zope'
\ ]
syn keyword debcontrolMultiArch contained no foreign allowed same
syn match debcontrolName contained "[a-z0-9][a-z0-9+.-]\+"
syn keyword debcontrolPriority contained extra important optional required standard
exe 'syn match debcontrolSection contained "\%(\%(contrib\|non-free\|non-US/main\|non-US/contrib\|non-US/non-free\|restricted\|universe\|multiverse\)/\)\=\<\%('.join(s:sections, '\|').'\)\>"'
syn keyword debcontrolPackageType contained udeb deb
syn match debcontrolVariable contained "\${.\{-}}"
syn keyword debcontrolDmUpload contained yes
syn keyword debcontrolYesNo contained yes no
syn match debcontrolR3 contained "\<\%(no\|binary-targets\|[[:graph:]]\+/[[:graph:]]\+\%( \+[[:graph:]]\+/[[:graph:]]\+\)*\)\>"
unlet s:sections
" A URL (using the domain name definitions from RFC 1034 and 1738), right now
" only enforce protocol and some sanity on the server/path part;
syn match debcontrolHTTPUrl contained "\vhttps?://[[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]]?(\.[[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]]?)*\.[[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alpha:]]?(:\d+)?(/[^[:space:]]*)?$"
syn match debcontrolVcsSvn contained "\vsvn%(\+ssh)?://[[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]]?(\.[[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]]?)*\.[[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alpha:]]?(:\d+)?(/[^[:space:]]*)?$"
syn match debcontrolVcsCvs contained "\v%(\-d *)?:pserver:[^@]+\@[[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]]?(\.[[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]]?)*\.[[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alpha:]]?:/[^[:space:]]*%( [^[:space:]]+)?$"
syn match debcontrolVcsGit contained "\v%(git|https?)://[[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]]?(\.[[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]]?)*\.[[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alpha:]]?(:\d+)?(/[^[:space:]]*)?%(\s+-b\s+[^ ~^:?*[\\]+)?$"
" An email address
syn match debcontrolEmail "[_=[:alnum:]\.+-]\+@[[:alnum:]\./\-]\+"
syn match debcontrolEmail "<.\{-}>"
" #-Comments
syn match debcontrolComment "^#.*$" contains=@Spell
syn case ignore
" Handle all fields from deb-src-control(5)
" Catch-all for the legal fields
syn region debcontrolField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^\%(\%(XSBC-Original-\)\=Maintainer\|Standards-Version\|Bugs\|Origin\|X[SB]-Python-Version\|\%(XS-\)\=Vcs-Mtn\|\%(XS-\)\=Testsuite\%(-Triggers\)\=\|Build-Profiles\|Tag\|Subarchitecture\|Kernel-Version\|Installer-Menu-Item\): " end="$" contains=debcontrolVariable,debcontrolEmail oneline
syn region debcontrolMultiField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^\%(Build-\%(Conflicts\|Depends\)\%(-Arch\|-Indep\)\=\|\%(Pre-\)\=Depends\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Breaks\|Enhances\|Replaces\|Conflicts\|Provides\|Built-Using\|Static-Built-Using\|Uploaders\|X[SBC]\{0,3\}\%(Private-\)\=-[-a-zA-Z0-9]\+\): *" skip="^[ \t]" end="^$"me=s-1 end="^[^ \t#]"me=s-1 contains=debcontrolEmail,debcontrolVariable,debcontrolComment
syn region debcontrolMultiFieldSpell matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^Description: *" skip="^[ \t]" end="^$"me=s-1 end="^[^ \t#]"me=s-1 contains=debcontrolEmail,debcontrolVariable,debcontrolComment,@Spell
" Fields for which we do strict syntax checking
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^Architecture: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolArchitecture,debcontrolSpace oneline
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^Multi-Arch: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolMultiArch oneline
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^\%(Package\|Source\): *" end="$" contains=debcontrolName oneline
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^Priority: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolPriority oneline
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^Section: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolSection oneline
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^\%(XC-\)\=Package-Type: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolPackageType oneline
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^Homepage: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolHTTPUrl oneline keepend
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^\%(XS-[-a-zA-Z0-9]\+-\)\=Vcs-\%(Browser\|Arch\|Bzr\|Darcs\|Hg\): *" end="$" contains=debcontrolHTTPUrl oneline keepend
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^\%(XS-[-a-zA-Z0-9]\+-\)\=Vcs-Svn: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolVcsSvn,debcontrolHTTPUrl oneline keepend
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^\%(XS-[-a-zA-Z0-9]\+-\)\=Vcs-Cvs: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolVcsCvs oneline keepend
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^\%(XS-[-a-zA-Z0-9]\+-\)\=Vcs-Git: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolVcsGit oneline keepend
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^Rules-Requires-Root: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolR3 oneline
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolKey start="^\%(Build-\)\=Essential: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolYesNo oneline
syn region debcontrolStrictField matchgroup=debcontrolDeprecatedKey start="^\%(XS-\)\=DM-Upload-Allowed: *" end="$" contains=debcontrolDmUpload oneline
" Associate our matches and regions with pretty colours
hi def link debcontrolKey Keyword
hi def link debcontrolField Normal
hi def link debcontrolStrictField Error
hi def link debcontrolDeprecatedKey Error
hi def link debcontrolMultiField Normal
hi def link debcontrolArchitecture Normal
hi def link debcontrolMultiArch Normal
hi def link debcontrolName Normal
hi def link debcontrolPriority Normal
hi def link debcontrolSection Normal
hi def link debcontrolPackageType Normal
hi def link debcontrolVariable Identifier
hi def link debcontrolEmail Identifier
hi def link debcontrolVcsSvn Identifier
hi def link debcontrolVcsCvs Identifier
hi def link debcontrolVcsGit Identifier
hi def link debcontrolHTTPUrl Identifier
hi def link debcontrolDmUpload Identifier
hi def link debcontrolYesNo Identifier
hi def link debcontrolR3 Identifier
hi def link debcontrolComment Comment
hi def link debcontrolElse Special
let b:current_syntax = 'debcontrol'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: ts=8 sw=2