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synced 2025-03-15 14:27:53 +01:00
Some checks are pending
GitHub CI / linux (arm64, gcc, [nogui], tiny) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (arm64, gcc, true, [unittests], huge) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (clang, [asan], huge, 5.1) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (clang, [nogui], tiny) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (gcc, [nogui], tiny) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (gcc, [vimtags], normal) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (gcc, true, [uchar testgui], huge, dynamic) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (gcc, true, [unittests], huge) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (i386, gcc, normal, ./src/shadow) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (native, clang, [], normal) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (native, clang, [], tiny) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (native, clang, true, [], huge, dynamic, stable-abi) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (native, gcc, [], normal) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (native, gcc, [], tiny) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / linux (native, gcc, true, [], huge) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / macos (huge, macos-13) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / macos (huge, macos-15) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / macos (normal, macos-13) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / macos (normal, macos-15) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / macos (tiny, macos-13) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / macos (tiny, macos-15) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / windows (no, no, x64, HUGE, stable, msvc) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / windows (no, no, x86, TINY, mingw) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / windows (no, yes, x64, yes, HUGE, mingw) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / windows (no, yes, x86, NORMAL, msvc) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / windows (yes, no, x64, NORMAL, mingw) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / windows (yes, no, x86, HUGE, msvc) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / windows (yes, yes, x64, TINY, msvc) (push) Waiting to run
GitHub CI / windows (yes, yes, x86, yes, HUGE, stable, mingw) (push) Waiting to run
CodeQL / Analyze (push) Waiting to run
closes: #16853 Signed-off-by: Konfekt <Konfekt@users.noreply.github.com> Signed-off-by: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
23 lines
634 B
23 lines
634 B
" Vim compiler file
" Compiler: TypeScript Compiler
" Maintainer: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
" Last Change: 2024 Apr 03
" 2025 Mar 11 by The Vim Project (add comment for Dispatch, add tsc_makeprg variable)
if exists("current_compiler")
let current_compiler = "tsc"
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" CompilerSet makeprg=tsc
" CompilerSet makeprg=npx\ tsc
execute $'CompilerSet makeprg={escape(get(b:, 'tsc_makeprg', get(g:, 'tsc_makeprg', 'tsc')), ' \|"')}'
CompilerSet errorformat=%f\ %#(%l\\,%c):\ %trror\ TS%n:\ %m,
\%trror\ TS%n:\ %m,
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save