2023-08-09 20:35:35 +02:00

461 lines
18 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: Kuka Robot Language
" Maintainer: Patrick Meiser-Knosowski <>
" Version: 3.0.0
" Last Change: 22. Jun 2023
" Credits: Thanks for contributions to this to Michael Jagusch
" Thanks for beta testing to Thomas Baginski
" Note to self:
" for testing perfomance
" open a 1000 lines file.
" :syntime on
" G
" hold down CTRL-U until reaching top
" :syntime report
" Init {{{
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:keepcpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" if colorscheme is tortus(less)? krlGroupName defaults to 1
if get(g:, 'colors_name', " ") =~ '\<tortus'
\&& !exists("g:krlGroupName")
let g:krlGroupName=1
" krlGroupName defaults to 0 if it's not initialized yet or 0
if !get(g:, "krlGroupName", 0)
let g:krlGroupName = 0
" krl does ignore case
syn case ignore
" take #, $ and & into keyword (syntax only)
syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255,#,$,&
" spell checking
syn spell notoplevel
" }}} init
" Comment and Folding {{{
" Special Comment
" TODO Comment
syn keyword krlTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
highlight default link krlTodo Todo
" Debug Comment
syn keyword krlDebug contained DEBUG
highlight default link krlDebug Debug
" Comment
" none move fold comment until second ;
syn match krlFoldComment /\c\v^\s*;\s*%(end)?fold>[^;]*/ containedin=krlFold contains=krlSingleQuoteString,krlInteger,krlFloat,krlMovement,krlDelimiter,krlBoolean
highlight default link krlFoldComment Comment
" move fold comment until second ;
syn match krlMoveFoldComment /\c\v^\s*;\s*fold>[^;]*<s?%(ptp|lin|circ|spl)(_rel)?>[^;]*/ containedin=krlFold contains=krlInteger,krlFloat,krlMovement,krlDelimiter
highlight default link krlMoveFoldComment Comment
" things to highlight in a fold line
syn keyword krlFoldHighlights CONT IN SYN OUT containedin=krlFoldComment
syn match krlFoldHighlights /\c\v<(M|F|E|A|t|i|bin|binin|UP|SPSMAKRO)\d+>/ containedin=krlFoldComment
if g:krlGroupName
highlight default link krlFoldHighlights Sysvars
" default color for Fold Highlights
syn keyword krlVkrcFoldConstants EIN AUS containedin=krlFoldComment
highlight default link krlVkrcFoldConstants Boolean
" Comment without Fold, also includes endfold lines and fold line part after second ;
syn match krlComment /\c\v;\s*%(<%(end)?fold>)@!.*$/ containedin=krlFold contains=krlTodo,krlDebug,@Spell
" Commented out Fold line: "; ;FOLD PTP..."
syn match krlComment /\c\v^\s*;\s*;.*$/ contains=krlTodo,krlDebug
highlight default link krlComment Comment
if has("conceal") && get(g:, 'krlConcealFoldTail', 1)
syn match krlConcealFoldTail /\c\v(^\s*;\s*fold[^;]*)@250<=;%(--|\s*<fold>|\s*<endfold>)@!.*$/ transparent containedin=krlComment conceal cchar=*
" }}} Comment and Folding
" Header {{{
syn match krlHeader /&\a\w*/
highlight default link krlHeader PreProc
" }}} Header
" Operator {{{
" Boolean operator
syn keyword krlBoolOperator and or exor not b_and b_or b_exor b_not
highlight default link krlBoolOperator Operator
" Arithmetic operator
syn match krlArithOperator /[+-]/ containedin=krlFloat
syn match krlArithOperator /[*/]/
highlight default link krlArithOperator Operator
" Compare operator
syn match krlCompOperator /[<>=]/
highlight default link krlCompOperator Operator
" Geometric operator
" Do not move the : operator
" Must be present befor krlParamdef
syn match krlGeomOperator /[:]/
" syn match krlGeomOperator /[:]/ containedin=krlLabel,krlParamdef
highlight default link krlGeomOperator Operator
" }}} Operator
" Type, StorageClass and Typedef {{{
" Simple data types
syn keyword krlType bool char real int
" External program and function
syn keyword krlType ext extfct extfctp extp
" Communication
syn keyword krlType signal channel
highlight default link krlType Type
" StorageClass
syn keyword krlStorageClass decl global const struc enum
highlight default link krlStorageClass StorageClass
" .dat file public
syn keyword krlDatStorageClass public
highlight default link krlDatStorageClass StorageClass
" Parameter StorageClass
" Do not move the :in/:out
" Must be present after krlGeomOperator
syn match krlParamdef /[:]\s*in\>/
syn match krlParamdef /[:]\s*out\>/
highlight default link krlParamdef StorageClass
" Not a typedef but I like to have those highlighted
" different then types, structures or strorage classes
syn match krlTypedef /^\s*END\>/
highlight default link krlTypedef Typedef
" }}} Type, StorageClass and Typedef
" Delimiter {{{
syn match krlDelimiter /[\[\](),\\]/
highlight default link krlDelimiter Delimiter
" }}} Delimiter
" Constant values {{{
" Boolean
syn keyword krlBoolean true false containedin=krlStructVal
highlight default link krlBoolean Boolean
" Binary integer
syn match krlBinaryInt /'b[01]\+'/ containedin=krlStructVal
highlight default link krlBinaryInt Number
" Hexadecimal integer
syn match krlHexInt /'h[0-9a-fA-F]\+'/ containedin=krlStructVal
highlight default link krlHexInt Number
" Integer
syn match krlInteger /\W\@1<=[+-]\?\d\+/ containedin=krlStructVal,krlFloat contains=krlArithOperator
highlight default link krlInteger Number
" Float
syn match krlFloat /\v\W@1<=[+-]?\d+\.?\d*%(\s*[eE][+-]?\d+)?/ containedin=krlStructVal
highlight default link krlFloat Float
" String
syn region krlString start=/"/ end=/"/ oneline containedin=krlStructVal contains=@Spell
highlight default link krlString String
syn match krlSpecialChar /[|]/ containedin=krlString
highlight default link krlSpecialChar SpecialChar
" String within a fold line
syn region krlSingleQuoteString start=/'/ end=/'/ oneline contained contains=@Spell
highlight default link krlSingleQuoteString String
" Enum
syn match krlEnumVal /#\s*\a\w*/ containedin=krlStructVal
highlight default link krlEnumVal Constant
" }}} Constant values
" Predefined Structure and Enum {{{
" Predefined structures and enums found in
" /r1/mada/$*.dat, /r1/steu/$*.dat and
" /r1/system/$config.dat as well as
" basisTech, gripperTech and spotTech
" Predefined data types found in krc1
syn keyword krlStructure servopara keymove powermodul trace techangle tech techfct techcps techfctctrl axis_inc axis_cal date display_var pro_ip con bus
syn keyword krlEnum ident_state sig_state move_state async_state emt_mode boxmode msg_prm_typ msg_typ cmd_stat asys trace_state trace_mode direction techsys techgeoref techclass techmode hpu_key_val pro_state eax transsys mode_move cosys device rotsys emstop cause_t
" Predefined data types found in kss functions
syn keyword krlEnum ediagstate rdc_fs_state ret_c_psync_e var_type cancel_psync_e sys_vars
syn keyword krlStructure siginf rw_rdc_file rw_mam_file diagpar_t error_t stopmess case_sense_t msgbuf_t e3pos e3axis diagopt_t
" Predefined structures for movement
syn keyword krlStructure frame e6pos pos e6axis axis
syn keyword krlStructure fdat ldat pdat
syn keyword krlStructure load inertia
" Predefined structures for shapes
syn keyword krlStructure axbox cylinder box
" Predefined structures and enums found in /r1/mada/$machine.dat
syn keyword krlStructure cp fra acc_car jerk_struc dhart spin trpspin ex_kin et_ax maxtool
syn keyword krlEnum individual_mames supply_voltage kinclass main_axis wrist_axis sw_onoff
" Predefined structures and enums found in /r1/mada/$robcor.dat
" syn keyword krlStructure
syn keyword krlEnum adap_acc model_type control_parameter eko_mode
" Predefined structures and enums found in /steu/mada/$custom.dat
syn keyword krlStructure pro_io_t ser ext_mod_t coop_krc ws_config bin_type coop_update_t ldc_reaction
syn keyword krlEnum axis_of_coordinates motion_mode spline_para_variant spreadstartpolicy target_status cp_vel_type cp_statmon
" Predefined structures and enums found in /steu/mada/$machine.dat
syn keyword krlStructure emstop_path boxstatesafein boxstatesafeout
syn keyword krlEnum digincode
" Predefined structures and enums found in /steu/mada/$option.dat
syn keyword krlStructure installed_motion_modes msg_t
syn keyword krlEnum step_enum
" syn keyword krlEnum
" Predefined structures and enums found in /r1/system/$config.dat
" BasisTech
syn keyword krlStructure dig_out_type ctrl_in_t ctrl_out_t fct_out_t fct_in_t odat hdat basis_sugg_t out_sugg_t md_state machine_def_t machine_tool_t machine_frame_t trigger_para constvel_para condstop_para adat tm_sugg_t tqm_tqdat_t sps_prog_type
syn keyword krlEnum bas_command out_modetype ipo_m_t apo_mode_t funct_type p00_command timer_actiontype
" GripperTech
syn keyword krlStructure grp_typ grp_types grp_sugg_t
syn keyword krlEnum on_off_typ apo_typ
" SpotTech
syn keyword krlStructure spot_type spot_sugg_t
syn keyword krlEnum s_command s_pair_slct command_retr
" VW
syn keyword krlStructure vw_mpara_typ zangentyp zangenbedingung ibszangentyp last_ibs_typ verr_typ verrcheck_t t_fb_state kollisionsdaten state_t modus_t
syn keyword krlEnum synctype dir_typ subtype ari_typ bool_typ vw_command ibgn_command vw_user_cmd move_types adv_t_type bas_type ibs_mode_typ vw_user_cmd pro_mode mode_op
" ProgCoop
syn keyword krlStructure ydat
" syn keyword krlEnum
" bas.src
syn keyword krlStructure cont
syn keyword krlEnum esys ipo_mode circ_mode circ_type ori_type var_state
" MsgLib.src
syn keyword krlStructure KrlMsg_T KrlMsgParType_T KrlMsgPar_T KrlMsgOpt_T KrlMsgDlgSK_T
syn keyword krlEnum EKrlMsgType
highlight default link krlStructure Structure
highlight default link krlEnum Structure
" }}} Predefined Structure and Enum
" System variable {{{
syn match krlSysvars /\<\$\a[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*/
if g:krlGroupName
highlight default link krlSysvars Sysvars
" default color for Sysvars
" }}} System variable
" Statements, keywords et al {{{
" continue
syn keyword krlContinue continue
if g:krlGroupName
highlight default link krlContinue Continue
highlight default link krlContinue Statement
" interrupt
syn match krlStatement /\v\c%(<global>\s+)?<INTERRUPT>%(\s+<decl>)?/ contains=krlStorageClass
" keywords
syn keyword krlStatement wait on off enable disable stop trigger with when distance onstart delay do prio import is minimum maximum confirm on_error_proceed
syn match krlStatement /\v\c%(<wait\s+)@7<=<sec>/
syn match krlStatement /\v\c%(<when\s+)@7<=<path>/
highlight default link krlStatement Statement
" Conditional
syn keyword krlConditional if then else endif switch case default endswitch skip endskip
highlight default link krlConditional Conditional
" Repeat
syn keyword krlRepeat for to endfor while endwhile repeat until loop endloop exit
" STEP is used as variable in VKRC, this pattern should match STEP -, 5(constant number) or VAR
syn match krlRepeat /\v\cstep\s+%(-|\w)/me=e-1
highlight default link krlRepeat Repeat
" Label
syn keyword krlLabel goto
syn match krlLabel /^\s*\w\+:\ze\s*\%(;.*\)\?$/
highlight default link krlLabel Label
" Keyword
syn keyword krlKeyword anin anout digin
highlight default link krlKeyword Keyword
" Exception
syn keyword krlException return resume halt
highlight default link krlException Exception
" }}} Statements, keywords et al
" special keywords for movement commands {{{
syn match krlMovement /\v\c^\s*<BRAKE(\s+F)?>/
if g:krlGroupName
highlight default link krlMovement Movement
highlight default link krlMovement Special
" movement modifiers
syn match krlMoveBlockInst /\c\v^\s*TIME_BLOCK\s+(START|PART|END)/
syn match krlMoveBlockInst /\c\v^\s*CONST_VEL\s+(START|END)/
syn keyword krlMoveBlockInst ptp_spline spline endspline
highlight default link krlMoveBlockInst Statement
syn keyword krlMoveMod ca c_ptp c_dis c_vel c_ori c_spl
if g:krlGroupName
highlight default link krlMoveMod Movement
highlight default link krlMoveMod Special
" }}} special keywords for movement commands
" Structure value {{{
" avoid coloring structure component names
syn match krlNames /\.[a-zA-Z_][.a-zA-Z0-9_$]*/
syn match krlNames contained /[a-zA-Z_][.a-zA-Z0-9_$]*/
" highlight default link krlNames None
" Structure value
syn region krlStructVal start=/{/ end=/}/ oneline containedin=krlStructVal contains=krlNames
highlight default link krlStructVal Delimiter
" }}} Structure value
" BuildInFunction {{{
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained Pulse
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained m_comment
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained is_key_pressed
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained set_opt_filter
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained timer_limit
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained tool_adj
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained FRand
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained ExecFunc eb_test EB EK EO LK mbx_rec
" safe robot
syn keyword krlbuildinfunction contained get_AxesMask get_BrakeTest_Time
" math
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained Abs Sin Cos Acos Tan Atan Atan2 Sqrt
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained Forward Inverse inv_pos
" cFoo sFoo
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained cClose cOpen cRead cWrite sRead sWrite
" string
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained StrToBool StrToInt StrToReal StrToString StrToFrame StrToPos StrToE3Pos StrToE6Pos StrToAxis StrToE3Axis StrToE6Axis
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained StrAdd StrClear StrCopy StrComp StrFind StrLen StrDeclLen StrToBool StrToInt StrToReal StrToString
" diag
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained diag_start diag_stop get_DiagState
" rdc mam pid
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained CheckPidOnRdc check_mam_on_rdc get_rdc_fs_state
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained set_mam_on_hd copy_mam_hd_to_rdc copy_mam_rdc_to_hd
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained PidToHd PidToRdc
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained cal_to_rdc rdc_file_to_hd
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained delete_pid_on_rdc delete_rdc_content
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained create_rdc_archive restore_rdc_archive
" ioctl
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained IOCtl cIOCtl
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained WSpaceGive WSpaceTake
" sync
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained Sync SyncCmd CancelProgSync
" remote
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained RemoteCmd RemoteRead
" msg/dlg
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained IsMessageSet clear_KrlMsg get_MsgBuffer exists_KrlDlg exists_KrlMsg set_KrlDlg set_KrlDlgAnswer set_KrlMsg
" robvers
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained maximize_UsedxRobvers set_UsedxRobvers
" md_foo
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained md_Cmd md_GetState md_SetState md_Asgn
" emi
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained emi_ActPos emi_EndPos emi_StartPos emi_RecState emi_RecName
" var
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained cast_from cast_to
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained GetVarsize GetCycDef get_sig_inf get_decl_place VarType VarState
" sys
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained GetSysState get_system_data set_system_data set_system_data_delayed
" err
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained err_clear err_raise
" motion
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained delete_backward_buffer rob_stop rob_stop_release set_brake_delay suppress_repositioning VectorMoveOn VectorMoveOff
" torque
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained set_torque_limits reset_torque_limits
" krc1
syn keyword krlBuildInFunction contained cLcopy cCurpos cNew cClear cRelease cKey
if g:krlGroupName
highlight default link krlBuildInFunction BuildInFunction
highlight default link krlBuildInFunction Function
" }}} BuildInFunction
" Function {{{
syn match krlFunction /[a-zA-Z_]\w* *(/me=e-1 contains=krlBuildInFunction
highlight default link krlFunction Function
" }}} Function
" Error {{{
if get(g:, 'krlShowError', 1)
" some more or less common typos
" vars or funcs >24 chars are not possible in krl. a234567890123456789012345
syn match krlError0 /\w\{25,}/ containedin=krlFunction,krlNames,krlLabel,krlEnumVal,krlSysvars
" should be interrupt (on|off) \w+
syn match krlError1 /\vinterrupt[ \t(]+[_$a-zA-Z0-9]+[_$a-zA-Z0-9.\[\]()+\-*/]*[ \t)]+o%(n|ff)>/
" for bla==5 to 7...
" ||
syn match krlError3 /\v%(^\s*for%(\(|\s)+[_$a-zA-Z]+[_$a-zA-Z0-9.\[\]()+\-*/ ]*\s*)@<=[:=]\=/
" TODO optimize performance
" wait for a=b
" |
syn match krlError4 /\v%(^\s*%(return|wait\s+for|if|while|until|%(global\s+)?interrupt\s+decl)>[^;]+[^;<>=])@<=\=[^=]/
" wait for a><b
" ||
syn match krlError5 /\v%(^\s*%(return|wait\s+for|if|while|until|%(global\s+)?interrupt\s+decl)>[^;]+)@<=\>\s*\</
" if (a==5) (b==6) ...
" |||
syn match krlError6 /\v%(^\s*%(return|wait\s+for|if|while|until|%(global\s+)?interrupt\s+decl)>[^;]+[^;])@<=\)\s*\(/
" TODO optimize performance
" a == b + 1
" a := b + 1
" ||
syn match krlError7 /\v%(^\s*%(return|wait\s+for|if|while|until|%(global\s+)?interrupt\s+decl)>[^;]+[^;])@1<!%(^\s*[_$a-zA-Z]+[_$a-zA-Z0-9.\[\],+\-*/]*\s*)@<=[:=]\=/
syn match krlError7 /\v\c%(^\s*%(decl\s+)%(global\s+)?%(const\s+)?\w+\s+\w+\s*)@<=[:=]\=/
syn match krlError7 /\v\c%(^\s*%(decl\s+)?%(global\s+)?%(const\s+)?%(bool\s+|int\s+|real\s+|char\s+)\w+\s*)@<=[:=]\=/
" this one is tricky. Make sure this does not match trigger instructions; OK, next try, now search for false positives
" TODO optimize performance
" a = b and c or (int1=int2)
" |
syn match krlError8 /\v(^\s*[_$a-zA-Z]+[_$a-zA-Z0-9.\[\]()+\-*/]*\s*\=[^;]*[^;<>=])@<=\=\ze[^=]/
" <(distance|delay|prio)> :=
" <(distance|delay|prio)> ==
" ||
syn match krlError9 /\v(^[^;]*<(distance|delay|prio|minimum|maximum)\s*)@<=[:=]\=/
" 'for', 'while' or 'repeat' followed by 'do'
syn match krlError10 /\c\v^\s*(until|while|for)>[^;]*<do>/
highlight default link krlError0 Error
highlight default link krlError1 Error
highlight default link krlError2 Error
highlight default link krlError3 Error
highlight default link krlError4 Error
highlight default link krlError5 Error
highlight default link krlError6 Error
highlight default link krlError7 Error
highlight default link krlError8 Error
highlight default link krlError9 Error
highlight default link krlError10 Error
" }}} Error
" Finish {{{
let &cpo = s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo
let b:current_syntax = "krl"
" }}} Finish
" vim:sw=2 sts=2 et fdm=marker