mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 14:27:53 +01:00
157 lines
9.2 KiB
157 lines
9.2 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Kotlin
" Maintainer: Alexander Udalov
" URL: https://github.com/udalov/kotlin-vim
" Last Change: 30 December 2022
if exists('b:current_syntax')
syn keyword ktStatement break continue return
syn keyword ktConditional if else when
syn keyword ktRepeat do for while
syn keyword ktOperator in is by
syn keyword ktKeyword get set out super this where
syn keyword ktException try catch finally throw
syn keyword ktInclude import package
" Generated stdlib class names {{{
" The following is generated by https://github.com/udalov/kotlin-vim/blob/master/extra/generate-stdlib-class-names.main.kts
syn keyword ktType AbstractCollection AbstractCoroutineContextElement AbstractCoroutineContextKey AbstractDoubleTimeSource AbstractIterator AbstractList AbstractLongTimeSource
syn keyword ktType AbstractMap AbstractMutableCollection AbstractMutableList AbstractMutableMap AbstractMutableSet AbstractSet AccessDeniedException Accessor Annotation
syn keyword ktType AnnotationRetention AnnotationTarget Any Appendable ArithmeticException Array ArrayDeque ArrayList AssertionError Boolean BooleanArray BooleanIterator
syn keyword ktType BuilderInference Byte ByteArray ByteIterator CName CallsInPlace CancellationException Char CharArray CharCategory CharDirectionality CharIterator CharProgression
syn keyword ktType CharRange CharSequence CharacterCodingException Charsets ClassCastException Cloneable ClosedFloatingPointRange ClosedRange Collection Comparable
syn keyword ktType ComparableTimeMark Comparator ConcurrentModificationException ConditionalEffect ContextFunctionTypeParams Continuation ContinuationInterceptor ContractBuilder
syn keyword ktType CopyActionContext CopyActionResult CoroutineContext DeepRecursiveFunction DeepRecursiveScope Delegates Deprecated DeprecatedSinceKotlin DeprecationLevel
syn keyword ktType Destructured Double DoubleArray DoubleIterator DslMarker Duration DurationUnit Effect Element EmptyCoroutineContext Entry Enum EnumEntries Error Exception
syn keyword ktType ExperimentalContracts ExperimentalJsExport ExperimentalMultiplatform ExperimentalObjCName ExperimentalObjCRefinement ExperimentalPathApi ExperimentalStdlibApi
syn keyword ktType ExperimentalSubclassOptIn ExperimentalTime ExperimentalTypeInference ExperimentalUnsignedTypes ExtensionFunctionType FileAlreadyExistsException
syn keyword ktType FileSystemException FileTreeWalk FileVisitorBuilder FileWalkDirection Float FloatArray FloatIterator FreezingIsDeprecated Function Function0 Function1 Function10
syn keyword ktType Function11 Function12 Function13 Function14 Function15 Function16 Function17 Function18 Function19 Function2 Function20 Function21 Function22 Function3 Function4
syn keyword ktType Function5 Function6 Function7 Function8 Function9 FunctionN Getter Grouping HashMap HashSet HiddenFromObjC HidesFromObjC Ignore IllegalArgumentException
syn keyword ktType IllegalStateException IndexOutOfBoundsException IndexedValue Int IntArray IntIterator IntProgression IntRange InvocationKind Iterable Iterator JsExport JsName
syn keyword ktType JvmDefault JvmDefaultWithCompatibility JvmDefaultWithoutCompatibility JvmField JvmInline JvmMultifileClass JvmName JvmOverloads JvmRecord JvmSerializableLambda
syn keyword ktType JvmStatic JvmSuppressWildcards JvmSynthetic JvmWildcard KAnnotatedElement KCallable KClass KClassifier KDeclarationContainer KFunction KMutableProperty
syn keyword ktType KMutableProperty0 KMutableProperty1 KMutableProperty2 KParameter KProperty KProperty0 KProperty1 KProperty2 KType KTypeParameter KTypeProjection KVariance
syn keyword ktType KVisibility Key Kind KotlinNullPointerException KotlinReflectionNotSupportedError KotlinVersion Lazy LazyThreadSafetyMode Level LinkedHashMap LinkedHashSet List
syn keyword ktType ListIterator Long LongArray LongIterator LongProgression LongRange Map MatchGroup MatchGroupCollection MatchNamedGroupCollection MatchResult Metadata Monotonic
syn keyword ktType MustBeDocumented MutableCollection MutableEntry MutableIterable MutableIterator MutableList MutableListIterator MutableMap MutableSet NoSuchElementException
syn keyword ktType NoSuchFileException NoWhenBranchMatchedException NotImplementedError Nothing NullPointerException Number NumberFormatException ObjCName ObservableProperty
syn keyword ktType OnErrorAction OnErrorResult OpenEndRange OptIn OptionalExpectation OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType Pair ParameterName PathWalkOption
syn keyword ktType PropertyDelegateProvider PublishedApi PurelyImplements Random RandomAccess ReadOnlyProperty ReadWriteProperty RefinesInSwift Regex RegexOption Repeatable
syn keyword ktType ReplaceWith RequiresOptIn RestrictsSuspension Result Retention Returns ReturnsNotNull RuntimeException Sequence SequenceScope Set Setter SharedImmutable Short
syn keyword ktType ShortArray ShortIterator ShouldRefineInSwift SimpleEffect SinceKotlin Strictfp String StringBuilder SubclassOptInRequired Suppress Synchronized Target
syn keyword ktType TestTimeSource ThreadLocal Throwable Throws TimeMark TimeSource TimedValue Transient Triple TypeCastException Typography UByte UByteArray UInt UIntArray
syn keyword ktType UIntProgression UIntRange ULong ULongArray ULongProgression ULongRange UShort UShortArray UninitializedPropertyAccessException Unit UnsafeVariance
syn keyword ktType UnsupportedOperationException ValueTimeMark Volatile WithComparableMarks
" }}}
syn keyword ktModifier annotation companion enum inner abstract final open override sealed vararg dynamic expect actual suspend
syn keyword ktStructure class object interface typealias fun val var constructor init
syn keyword ktReservedKeyword typeof
syn keyword ktBoolean true false
syn keyword ktConstant null
syn keyword ktModifier reified external inline noinline crossinline
syn match ktModifier "\v<data>\ze\@=.*<(class|object)>"
syn match ktModifier "\v<value>\ze\@=.*<class>"
syn match ktModifier "\v<(tailrec|operator|infix)>\ze\@=.*<fun>"
syn match ktModifier "\v<const>\ze\@=.*<val>"
syn match ktModifier "\v<lateinit>\ze\@=.*<var>"
syn match ktModifier "\v<(internal|private|protected|public)>\ze\@=.*<(class|object|interface|typealias|fun|val|var|constructor|get|set)>"
syn match ktOperator "\v\?:|::|\<\=? | \>\=?|[!=]\=\=?|<as>\??|[-*+/%]\=?|[!&|]"
syn keyword ktTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
syn match ktShebang "\v^#!.*$"
syn match ktLineComment "\v//.*$" contains=ktTodo,@Spell
syn region ktComment matchgroup=ktCommentMatchGroup start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=ktComment,ktTodo,@Spell
syn region ktDocComment start="/\*\*" end="\*/" contains=ktDocTag,ktTodo,@Spell
syn match ktDocTag "\v\@(author|constructor|receiver|return|since|suppress)>" contained
syn match ktDocTag "\v\@(exception|param|property|throws|see|sample)>\s*\S+" contains=ktDocTagParam contained
syn match ktDocTagParam "\v(\s|\[)\S+" contained
syn match ktComment "/\*\*/"
syn match ktSpecialCharError "\v\\." contained
syn match ktSpecialChar "\v\\([tbnr'"$\\]|u\x{4})" contained
syn region ktString start='"' skip='\\"' end='"' contains=ktSimpleInterpolation,ktComplexInterpolation,ktSpecialChar,ktSpecialCharError,@Spell
syn region ktString start='"""' end='""""*' contains=ktSimpleInterpolation,ktComplexInterpolation,@Spell
syn match ktCharacter "\v'[^']*'" contains=ktSpecialChar,ktSpecialCharError
syn match ktCharacter "\v'\\''" contains=ktSpecialChar
syn match ktCharacter "\v'[^\\]'"
syn match ktAnnotation "\v(\w)@<!\@[[:alnum:]_.]*(:[[:alnum:]_.]*)?"
syn match ktLabel "\v\w+\@"
syn match ktLabel "\v(\w)@<=\@\w+"
syn match ktSimpleInterpolation "\v\$\h\w*" contained
syn region ktComplexInterpolation matchgroup=ktComplexInterpolationBrace start="\v\$\{" end="\v\}" contains=ALLBUT,ktSimpleInterpolation,ktTodo,ktSpecialCharError,ktSpecialChar,ktDocTag,ktDocTagParam
syn match ktNumber "\v<\d+[_[:digit:]]*(uL?|UL?|[LFf])?"
syn match ktNumber "\v<0[Xx]\x+[_[:xdigit:]]*(uL?|UL?|L)?"
syn match ktNumber "\v<0[Bb][01]+[_01]*(uL?|UL?|L)?"
syn match ktFloat "\v<\d*(\d[eE][-+]?\d+|\.\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?)[Ff]?"
syn match ktEscapedName "\v`.*`"
syn match ktExclExcl "!!"
syn match ktArrow "->"
syn region ktFold start="{" end="}" transparent fold
exec "syntax sync ccomment ktComment minlines=10"
hi def link ktStatement Statement
hi def link ktConditional Conditional
hi def link ktRepeat Repeat
hi def link ktOperator Operator
hi def link ktKeyword Keyword
hi def link ktException Exception
hi def link ktReservedKeyword Error
hi def link ktInclude Include
hi def link ktType Type
hi def link ktModifier StorageClass
hi def link ktStructure Structure
hi def link ktTypedef Typedef
hi def link ktBoolean Boolean
hi def link ktConstant Constant
hi def link ktTodo Todo
hi def link ktShebang Comment
hi def link ktLineComment Comment
hi def link ktComment Comment
hi def link ktCommentMatchGroup Comment
hi def link ktDocComment Comment
hi def link ktDocTag Special
hi def link ktDocTagParam Identifier
hi def link ktSpecialChar SpecialChar
hi def link ktSpecialCharError Error
hi def link ktString String
hi def link ktCharacter Character
hi def link ktAnnotation Identifier
hi def link ktLabel Identifier
hi def link ktSimpleInterpolation Identifier
hi def link ktComplexInterpolationBrace Identifier
hi def link ktNumber Number
hi def link ktFloat Float
hi def link ktExclExcl Special
hi def link ktArrow Structure
let b:current_syntax = 'kotlin'
" vim:foldmethod=marker