Eisuke Kawashima cbb92b5ceb
runtime(sshconfig,sshdconfig): update syntax (#14351)
* fix case insensitivity of Host and Hostname keys
* improve regexps
* add keywords

Signed-off-by: Eisuke Kawashima <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2024-03-31 22:02:31 +02:00

300 lines
12 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: OpenSSH client configuration file (ssh_config)
" Author: David Necas (Yeti)
" Maintainer: Jakub Jelen <jakuje at gmail dot com>
" Previous Maintainer: Dominik Fischer <d dot f dot fischer at web dot de>
" Contributor: Leonard Ehrenfried <>
" Contributor: Karsten Hopp <>
" Contributor: Dean, Adam Kenneth <>
" Last Change: 2022 Nov 10
" Added RemoteCommand from pull request #4809
" Included additional keywords from Martin.
" Included PR #5753
" SSH Version: 8.5p1
" Setup
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
setlocal iskeyword=_,-,a-z,A-Z,48-57
" case on
syn case match
" Comments
syn match sshconfigComment "^#.*$" contains=sshconfigTodo
syn match sshconfigComment "\s#.*$" contains=sshconfigTodo
syn keyword sshconfigTodo TODO FIXME NOTE contained
" Constants
syn keyword sshconfigYesNo yes no ask confirm
syn keyword sshconfigYesNo any auto
syn keyword sshconfigYesNo force autoask none
syn keyword sshconfigCipher 3des blowfish
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers 3des-cbc
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers blowfish-cbc
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers cast128-cbc
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers arcfour
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers arcfour128
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers arcfour256
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers aes128-cbc
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers aes192-cbc
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers aes256-cbc
syn match sshconfigCiphers "\<rijndael-cbc@lysator\\>"
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers aes128-ctr
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers aes192-ctr
syn keyword sshconfigCiphers aes256-ctr
syn match sshconfigCiphers "\<aes128-gcm@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigCiphers "\<aes256-gcm@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigCiphers "\<chacha20-poly1305@openssh\.com\>"
syn keyword sshconfigMAC hmac-sha1
syn keyword sshconfigMAC hmac-sha1-96
syn keyword sshconfigMAC hmac-sha2-256
syn keyword sshconfigMAC hmac-sha2-512
syn keyword sshconfigMAC hmac-md5
syn keyword sshconfigMAC hmac-md5-96
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<hmac-ripemd160\%(@openssh\.com\)\?\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<umac-64@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<umac-128@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<hmac-sha1-etm@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<hmac-sha1-96-etm@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<hmac-md5-etm@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<hmac-md5-96-etm@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<hmac-ripemd160-etm@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<umac-64-etm@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigMAC "\<umac-128-etm@openssh\.com\>"
syn keyword sshconfigHostKeyAlgo ssh-ed25519
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<sk-ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh\.com\>"
syn keyword sshconfigHostKeyAlgo ssh-rsa
syn keyword sshconfigHostKeyAlgo rsa-sha2-256
syn keyword sshconfigHostKeyAlgo rsa-sha2-512
syn keyword sshconfigHostKeyAlgo ssh-dss
syn keyword sshconfigHostKeyAlgo ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
syn keyword sshconfigHostKeyAlgo ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
syn keyword sshconfigHostKeyAlgo ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<rsa-sha2-256-cert-v01@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<rsa-sha2-512-cert-v01@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<ssh-dss-cert-v01@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<ecdsa-sha2-nistp384-cert-v01@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<ecdsa-sha2-nistp521-cert-v01@openssh\.com\>"
syn match sshconfigHostKeyAlgo "\<sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh\.com\>"
syn keyword sshconfigPreferredAuth hostbased publickey password gssapi-with-mic
syn keyword sshconfigPreferredAuth keyboard-interactive
syn keyword sshconfigLogLevel QUIET FATAL ERROR INFO VERBOSE
syn keyword sshconfigLogLevel DEBUG DEBUG1 DEBUG2 DEBUG3
syn keyword sshconfigSysLogFacility DAEMON USER AUTH AUTHPRIV LOCAL0 LOCAL1
syn keyword sshconfigSysLogFacility LOCAL2 LOCAL3 LOCAL4 LOCAL5 LOCAL6 LOCAL7
syn keyword sshconfigAddressFamily inet inet6
syn match sshconfigIPQoS "\<af[1-4][1-3]\>"
syn match sshconfigIPQoS "\<cs[0-7]\>"
syn keyword sshconfigIPQoS ef le lowdelay throughput reliability
syn keyword sshconfigKbdInteractive bsdauth pam skey
syn keyword sshconfigKexAlgo diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
syn keyword sshconfigKexAlgo diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
syn keyword sshconfigKexAlgo diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
syn keyword sshconfigKexAlgo diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
syn keyword sshconfigKexAlgo diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
syn keyword sshconfigKexAlgo diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
syn keyword sshconfigKexAlgo diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
syn keyword sshconfigKexAlgo ecdh-sha2-nistp256
syn keyword sshconfigKexAlgo ecdh-sha2-nistp384
syn keyword sshconfigKexAlgo ecdh-sha2-nistp521
syn match sshconfigKexAlgo "\<curve25519-sha256\%(@libssh\.org\)\?\>"
syn match sshconfigKexAlgo "\<sntrup761x25519-sha512@openssh\.com\>"
syn keyword sshconfigTunnel point-to-point ethernet
syn match sshconfigVar "%[CdfHhIijKkLlnprTtu]\>"
syn match sshconfigVar "%%"
syn match sshconfigSpecial "[*?]"
syn match sshconfigNumber "\<\d\+\>"
syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}\(:\d\+\)\?\>"
syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\([-a-zA-Z0-9]\+\.\)\+[-a-zA-Z0-9]\{2,}\(:\d\+\)\?\>"
syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\(\x\{,4}:\)\+\x\{,4}[:/]\d\+\>"
syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\c\(Host \+\)\@<=.\+"
syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\c\(Hostname \+\)\@<=.\+"
" case off
syn case ignore
" Keywords
syn keyword sshconfigHostSect Host
syn keyword sshconfigMatch canonical final exec localnetwork host originalhost tagged user localuser all
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword AddKeysToAgent
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword AddressFamily
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword BatchMode
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword BindAddress
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword BindInterface
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword CanonicalDomains
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword CanonicalizeFallbackLocal
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword CanonicalizeHostname
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword CanonicalizeMaxDots
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword CanonicalizePermittedCNAMEs
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword CASignatureAlgorithms
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword CertificateFile
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ChallengeResponseAuthentication
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ChannelTimeout
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword CheckHostIP
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Ciphers
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ClearAllForwardings
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Compression
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ConnectionAttempts
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ConnectTimeout
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ControlMaster
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ControlPath
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ControlPersist
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword DynamicForward
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword EnableEscapeCommandline
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword EnableSSHKeysign
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword EscapeChar
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ExitOnForwardFailure
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword FingerprintHash
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ForkAfterAuthentication
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ForwardAgent
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ForwardX11
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ForwardX11Timeout
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ForwardX11Trusted
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword GatewayPorts
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword GlobalKnownHostsFile
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword GSSAPIAuthentication
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword GSSAPIDelegateCredentials
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword HashKnownHosts
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword HostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword HostbasedAuthentication
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword HostbasedKeyTypes
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword HostKeyAlgorithms
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword HostKeyAlias
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Hostname
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword IdentitiesOnly
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword IdentityAgent
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword IdentityFile
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword IgnoreUnknown
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Include
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword IPQoS
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword KbdInteractiveAuthentication
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword KbdInteractiveDevices
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword KexAlgorithms
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword KnownHostsCommand
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword LocalCommand
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword LocalForward
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword LogLevel
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword LogVerbose
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword MACs
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Match
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword NumberOfPasswordPrompts
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ObscureKeystrokeTiming
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword PasswordAuthentication
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword PermitLocalCommand
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword PermitRemoteOpen
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword PKCS11Provider
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Port
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword PreferredAuthentications
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ProxyCommand
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ProxyJump
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ProxyUseFdpass
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword PubkeyAuthentication
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RekeyLimit
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RemoteCommand
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RemoteForward
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RequestTTY
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RequiredRSASize
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RevokedHostKeys
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SecurityKeyProvider
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SendEnv
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ServerAliveCountMax
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ServerAliveInterval
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SessionType
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SetEnv
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SmartcardDevice
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword StdinNull
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword StreamLocalBindMask
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword StreamLocalBindUnlink
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword StrictHostKeyChecking
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SyslogFacility
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Tag
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword TCPKeepAlive
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Tunnel
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword TunnelDevice
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword UpdateHostKeys
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword UseBlacklistedKeys
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword User
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword UserKnownHostsFile
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword VerifyHostKeyDNS
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword VisualHostKey
syn keyword sshconfigKeyword XAuthLocation
" Deprecated/ignored/remove/unsupported keywords
syn keyword sshConfigDeprecated Cipher
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated GSSAPIClientIdentity
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated GSSAPIKeyExchange
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated GSSAPIRenewalForcesRekey
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated GSSAPIServerIdentity
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated GSSAPITrustDNS
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated GSSAPITrustDns
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated Protocol
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated RSAAuthentication
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated RhostsRSAAuthentication
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated CompressionLevel
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated UseRoaming
syn keyword sshconfigDeprecated UsePrivilegedPort
" Define the default highlighting
hi def link sshconfigComment Comment
hi def link sshconfigTodo Todo
hi def link sshconfigHostPort sshconfigConstant
hi def link sshconfigNumber Number
hi def link sshconfigConstant Constant
hi def link sshconfigYesNo Boolean
hi def link sshconfigCipher sshconfigDeprecated
hi def link sshconfigCiphers sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigMAC sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigHostKeyAlgo sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigLogLevel sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigSysLogFacility sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigAddressFamily sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigIPQoS sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigKbdInteractive sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigKexAlgo sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigTunnel sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigPreferredAuth sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigVar sshconfigEnum
hi def link sshconfigEnum Identifier
hi def link sshconfigSpecial Special
hi def link sshconfigKeyword Keyword
hi def link sshconfigHostSect Type
hi def link sshconfigMatch Type
hi def link sshconfigDeprecated Error
let b:current_syntax = "sshconfig"
" vim:set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2: